For a number of months the committee and members have been working behind the scenes on a huge project which will hopefully be a game changer for carp fishing in Northern Ireland for the members and future members of the Society.

As many already know we currently have 5 medium and small intimate venues for our members and we now have fish heading towards the magical 40lb mark. So we have for sometime been looking for a larger water. Today was a huge step forward with the first stocking of our latest lake Tildarg Carp Fishery. The lake is 20 acres and has loads of features and different depths and will be open to the NICAS members only.

We have big plans for this venue with new pegs and a full perimeter fence being started by contractors and a significant stocking program to come. Today seen the first 100+ carp introduced to the new venue.

We would like to thank everybody involved in making this happen, the ministry, Tony and his team at CarpForRestocking, our landlord and all our members.


This is definitely going to be one for the future!


Check out the rest of the photos from today on the ‘stocking’ page!