Lake Location – Greyabbey, Co. Down. Entry is not permitted through the estate entrance in the village.

Lake Size – 10 acres approx

Lake Features – A very weedy lake with good clear margins, very productive silt beds and gravel bars make this a challenging lake, the average depth is 4 foot. These fish love floating baits so be sure to bring a floater rod and some bread.

Fish Stocks – 90 – 110 carp, lake record stands at 30lb 6oz, the average size of carp is 10lb. Other fish include Rudd, Perch, Tench, Pike and Eels.

Difficulty Rating – Moderate to Hard.

Best methods – Fishing close to the weed in the margins over beds of mixed particle and boillies.

AvailableLake is open all year to the NICAS members apart from spawning when the complex is closed.

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